After signing the leasing contract of Phu Huu Port (which belongs to Ben Nghe Port, Samco), Tan Cang - Phu Huu JSC will delpoy stuffing services, depot services, transhipment, bulk cargo... Saigon Newport Corporation will also plan and upgrade infrastructure so that the port will be albe to receive 40,000 DWT vessels in late 2015.
Tan Cang - Phu Huu JSC was established between Saigon Newport Corporation (SNP) and Saigon Transporation Mechanical Corporation (SAMCO). With current infrastructure of Phu Huu Port and operation experience of SNP, Tan Cang - Phu Huu Port will become the extent of Cat Lai Terminal, and will bring prosperity not only to port operation in Hochiminh City but also logistics and shipping services.
Rear Admiral Nguyen Dang Nghiem - President of SNP - appreciated the cooperation. He also said that SNP will use its experience to explore market, review staff, improve productivity, build 280m more berth so that in 2016, Phu Huu Port will have 580m berth in operation.