More than 200 guests attended the ceremony including the Dong Nai People’s Committee and its Departments, Military units in the surrounding areas, Importers/ Exporters, Trading, Forwarding clients, and International and local partners.

Mr. Nguyen Dang Nghiem - General Director of SNP - made speech at the anniversary
Delivering a speech in the ceremony, president of SNP emphasized that past 5 years were very proud period of Tan Cang – Long Binh ICD’s officers & staffs on the new potential land of Dong Nai province, the establishment, development & the efforts of the management & employees of Tan Cang Long Binh ICD in the short term have brought the dynamic and sharp change to more than 300 hectares of this area and this confirms the right orientation of the strategic development of SNP as “Stable business activities on the line with with the main services of the seaport field”which has been based on two key services “Port opreration and Logistics services” and 3 foundations “1. High qualified and profressional human resources who are friendly to clients; 2. Modern Logical management, best quality services; 3. Millitary business culture in the close associtation with the brand name”

Tan Cang - Long Binh ICD recieved the Merit award from Dong Nai Province People’s committee.
The 5th Anniversary ceremony is also a special occasion for Tan Cang- Long Binh ICD to express the sincere thanks to the Partners and Clients, the Dong Nai Province authorities who have given strong support and cooperation as well as accompanied with the company during the past time.
5 year operation & development has remarked the important turning point of Tan Cang - Long Binh ICD – a defense economic company who has made many achievements and considerable contribution to the local economic development, creating jobs for the local laboueres, enruring the safety and securities in the localities and actively participating nito the social affairs as well as contributed to the State budget. Tan Cang Long Binh ICD is an important link of the seaport supply chain & logistic services of SNP aiming at creating the most convenience and strong trust of the customers to the service quality.